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The menus of TelePcCn Pro

The menus of TelePcCn PRO

  1. Menu:  file
  2. Menu: transfer
  3. Menu: measure

The menus of TelePcCn PRO: menu File


Allows the opening d a file programs CN or a file gauges tools.

TelePcCn allows to choose between several extensions of files. The version 2.3.0 allows to open files to the format RTF.

The window of posting of TelePcCn is not a publisher(editor) of program but allows only to show the downloaded or opened files. Use the editor of your choice to modify or to create a file programs.

The explorer of files of the version 2.5.0 allows to select quickly a file and to open it more quickly with a double click on the wished program.

Save As

Allows to save as the file program CN under another name or in a different file.

Police of posting

Allows to modify the type of police and size of posting. The chosen police will be also used for the printing.

Publish(Edit) the program

Open the CN program or the file gauges tools with the selected editor. In defect it is block notes of Windows which is used. You can choose another editor of program with the menu Communication option File of Receiving / Editor CN


Printing of the program current CN. The police of posting will be used for the printing.

Configure the printer

Allows the configuration of the printer.

Configuration of starting up
Allows to parametrize the following options of starting up:

- Choice of a file with defect for the opening of the programs or the files capacities tools.

- Choice of a configuration of communication opened to defect in the launch of the software.

- Choice of posting for lack of the explorer of files in the launch of the software.

- Choice of the language


Perceived make windows in main TelePcCn Pro


Choice of the language

Perceived make windows in main TelePcCn Pro


Show the explorer of files

Poster or hides the explorer of files. The explorer of files allows to create, to kill, to reappoint the selected file. A double click on the selected file allows to open it in the editor. If the option < Apply the directory selected to the file of reception > is marked, then the directory of reception with defect will be the file of the explorer of current file.


Leave the program.

The menus of TelePcCn PRO: menu Communication

Load a configuration of Communication

Puts in memory a configuration for the transfer of the programs or gauge tools

Create a configuration of communication

Allows to create a new configuration

( See Parameter of communication)

Modify a configuration of communication

Edit a configuration of existing communication

Directory of receiving / Editor CN

Allows to choose the file of reception of the programs and gauge tools.

Allows to choose also the publisher(editor) of program to be able to print or modify the emis-successful programs.


The menus of TelePcCn PRO: menu Transfer


Sending of a program CN or a file Capacities Tools

To be able to send a file it is necessary to open a file program CN or a file gauges tools and to load a configuration of communication.

Receiving of a program CN or a file Gauges Tools

To be able to receive a file programs CN or a file gauges tools it is necessary to load at first a configuration of communication.


The menus of TelePcCn PRO: Mesure menu



Reception Bench

Allows to receive the information in exit of the bench of leading preregulation EPB TMA 310

You have to load at first a configuration of communication before being able to receive the capacities tools

A file gauges tool will be automatically create according to the type of machine tool Milling machine operator Machining centre or lathe CN.

The file can be create either in parameters E or in parameters D

In the case of a lathe CN TelePcCn considers turrets carry tools with two diameters of pockets for flat tools.

To create a configuration hatches

Allows to create a configuration hatch tool for the creation of files capacities tools.

( See  Parametrize Capacities Tools)

To modify a configuration hatches

Allows the modification of a configuration hatch existing.

A meter for your site